Union Cemetery has a New Sign!

The original Grange sign from the 1960s at the Franklin Avenue entrance of Union Cemetery was weathered and fragile. The Wyckoff Historical Society recently replaced the old sign with one that is also hand-lettered, and includes the Grange logo which was barely visible on the old sign. Two new posts display the new sign.

The Union Cemetery on Franklin Avenue dates back to the first half of the 1700s, when Johannes Van Blarcom set aside an area of his property to become a burial place. The earliest readable stone is from 1764 and thought to mark the grave of a slave girl because there is no surname given. Johannes Van Blarcom’s daughter, who died in 1725, is alleged to be buried there also. Various community groups have volunteered to maintain the cemetery, including the Wyckoff Historical Society. In 2018, dead trees, underbrush, and poison ivy were removed.
A well-received WHS Union Cemetery tour was conducted in October 2019. Members of the WHS shared stories with attendees about those interred there. Master Carver Robert Carpenter also was on hand to answer questions about the many headstones he unearthed and repaired for the WHS. Most are early Van Blarcom family members as the cemetery was one of the original family cemeteries. Learn more about the Van Blarcom homes here.

The Society appreciates all the Eagle Scout projects – the most recent ones and over the years – to help preserve Union Cemetery and to help keep it safe for visitors.
Eagle Scout Projects
Matthew Quill
Matthew Quill of Boy Scout Troop 210 created a pollinator garden located outside Union Cemetery in 2023. The garden will attract several butterfly, bee, and bird species as it grows. Colin’s Eagle Scout project will help our area’s ecosystem and surrounding habitat continue to thrive.
Harrison Brooks
Harrison Brooks of Troop 210 built a pathway from the staircase to the gate of the cemetery. He used gray pea gravel with 4′ x 6′ pressure-treated lumber.
Colin Tubbs
Colin Tubbs of Troop 89 in Wyckoff, completed his Eagle Scout project in January 2022. He built three benches to be installed at Union Cemetery.
Jason Chin
Jason Chin of Troop 89 completed his Eagle Scout Project in 2021. His project was cleaning and transcribing headstones at Union Cemetery. Below is a link to Jason’s phenomenal Powerpoint Presentation.
Click here to download Jason’s Powerpoint.
Jason ‘s work in the cemetery was documented in the March 2022 edition of Wyckoff Living magazine.
Brendan Quill
For his Eagle Scout project, Brendan Quill of Troop 210 cleared the way for new wood chip paths throughout the cemetery in the spring of 2019. Members of his troop also helped.
Mehdy Kamel
An Eagle Scout project was completed of 2020 when Mehdy Kamel of Troop 89 cleared the front cemetery entrance of debris to expose and rebuild the stone wall that anchors the original main entrance. Mehdy and members of his troop worked diligently to refurbish Union Cemetery entrance back to its glory. Mehdy’s Eagle Scout project included removing the overgrown bushes and weeds and rebuilding the stone wall. The Society also plans to grade the dirt and rock path to the cemetery.
Luke Ramson
An Eagle Scout Scout project also was completed in 2019. Luke Ramson of Troop 210 completed building a sturdy staircase leading to the east entrance of Union Cemetery. Previously, the only way to enter the side entrance was to precariously navigate a slippery and crumbling paved ramp. Now there is an easy and safe way to access the cemetery from the Assembly of God church parking lot.